Victoria Sampler September Birthday Bellpull
The worked area is 103h x 26w (7.3 inches by 1.85 inches).
My sister gave me the September, October, November and December birthday design phamplet last year for my birthday (December). She also gave me the suggested fabric and threads for this design. I was collecting these, to stitch a December birthday bellpull for myself, showed the phamplet cover to my husband, asked if he particularily liked any of the months. He liked September, which is his birth month, so I decided to stitch September bellpull for him.
I decided to stitch the September Birthday bellpull design on a 30 count banded linen fabric (design called for a 28 count fabric).
Threads used are: Kreinik #4 Braid metallic gold color 002, a blending gold thread, a dark rust color size 8 (to replace white size 8) and a medium rust color size 12 (to replace white size 12). The other threads called for are DMC stranded floss and I used the DMC colors listed for the design.
I chose to utilized the rust color threads in place of the white ones to make it more Fall in color.
I ordered a spool of dark royal blue Kreinik #4 Braid metallic (033), my husband liked the color so I added a Rhodes stitched heart for him above the bottom hardanger work area.
I ordered the band linen and metal bell pull hardware from the Nordic Needle website