Lavender, Daffodils and Viola, silk ribbon flowers
Lavender, Daffodils and ViolaThe green stems and leaves for the Daffodils plus the solid color purple petals and solid color yellow petals of the viola flowers are all worked in 7mm satin ribbon purchased on eBay.
The solid color yellow background petals of the Daffodils are 7mm silk ribbon and the front, trumpet part of the Daffodil flowers is worked in a 50mm wide organza ribbon that I purchased on ebay.
Viola flowers
To add some sparkle, instead of using beads I used a 4mm Swarovski crystal bead (color Ceylon Topaz) for the center part of each viola.
The ribbon stitched leaves for the viola flowers were worked in a 4mm silk ribbon (color 126, Forest Shade) from Di van Niekerk.
The idea to wrap the bottoms of the blooms (bullion stitches) in green thread came from the book Stumpwork Flowers by Sachiko Morimoto. I used the purples for the blooms that she suggested (DMC 553 and 208). I used two strands to produce plump looking bullion blooms. The Chameleon thread that I used for the leaves and stems is color 36, Golden Green. A variegrated stranded cotton.
Daffodils trumpet
The instructions called to double over a 15mm wide organza ribbon to be about 7mm wide. Design called for color 53 (variegrated Dark Peace Rose) from Di van Niekerk.
I actually had purchased this beautiful organza ribbon when I purchased this painted fabric panel but I realized I would have false tries in making these trumpets so I decided to use a less expensive organza that I had purchased on ebay. In all I made three trumpets and used two of them.
I snipped a 50mm square piece off from the ribbon roll, pinched center together and tightly did a noose around it with thread. After I snipped that pinched together organza off that gathered 50 mm organza was still about 20 mm so I did another wrapped of thread and again snipped off the bottom (pinched together) organza. That brought it down to about 14 mm. I then used stab stitching and folding of the organza to help shape (more like a daffodil looking trumpet) and to bring the length down to about 8 mm. With stab stitching I connected this worked trumpet to the design panel and used stab stitching to bring about a more trumpet look to the organza.