Iris and Fans, Nancy Buhl

Iris and Fans, a counted canvas needlework piece, is sold under Nancy Needle’s and are design by Nancy Buhl.

Stitched on 18 count Eggshell Mono Canvas using various shades of DMC size 5 floss along with several speciality threads: Caron Collection Watercolours (134-Dawn and 209-Iris), Rainbow Gallery Cresta d’Oro (C25).

Stitch Count: 176 x 176. Finished size about 10 inch square.

The actual design has an outer stitched border of another row of fans. I did one corner of the second rows of fans, for me it took away from the inner design, so I removed the corners and did a plain stitched edge.

When finished I snipped the mono fabric close to the octagon shape finished worked design and playfully placed the octagonal shape on top of two mats. I did not frame it, just placed it as shown on a wood cabinet top where I could lean the matted piece against the wall.

Stitches: Slanted Gobelin Variations

iris and fans cp
iris and fans cp