Christmas 2019 Runner

Christmas Runner 2019
Christmas Runner 2019 — 17-by 55-inch runner, 22 count, Hardanger fabric, Forest Green

Santa and reindeer
Santa and reindeer — end piece

snow person
one of the 14 snow persons

back fabric
back and binding fabric

snow people
snow people

Machine: Brother PE800                 Embroidery thread: New Brothread              Bobbin thread: Brother thread

Preparation: Black Kona (100% cotton) used as stablizier fabric machine (Singer) basted along edges and middle line onto Fine Aisoia.

End hoop: positional 5.1 by 11.8-inches.  WSS used at both ends to secure within positional hoop.  WSS as top stablizier on Let It Snow font stitching.  Designs Santa and Let It Snow sized to approximately 9-inches within positional hoop.

Hoop used along the sides: Magnetic 5.1 by 7.2 inches


Emb Lib Santa and Reindeers
Emb Library: Santa and Reindeers
Jolson Font Let It Snow
Jolson Font Let It Snow
JuJu Designs Simply Snowman Redwork
JuJu Designs Simply Snowman Redwork
Embroidery Design Snowflake
Embroidery Design Snowflake