I found and daily begun to view the Stitchin’ Fingers website in time January 2013. Just in time to view the posting of Margo Brook’s Primavera (Brazilian Embroidery). For years I have been seeing this lovely style of embroidery and Margo’s beautiful Primavera clenched my decision to give BE a try. (To view my worked BE pieces click the BE button on the top navigation bar.)
The threads used are rayon. I use EdMar rayon threads which are z-twisted.
Mary Corbert discusses z-twisted and s-twisted threads:
samples of z- and s- twisted threads
view the stem and outline stitches using z- and s- twisted threads.
The EdMar rayon threads comes in seven weights.
You can tighten and loosen the thread as you work to get different texture look.
One down side of EdMar rayon threads is the dye lots. Buy two skeins of the same weight and color, you often get two skeins quite different in color.
These are three web stores where I purchase my EdMar rayon threads and kits: jdr-be.com, NordicNeedle.com and stitchingshop.com. These three web stores have great customer services, I have often emailed each of them as I looked for a particular shading of a color or wanted to purchase several skeins of the same dye lot. Web surfing I found photos of seven BE designs with stumpwork in them that I wanted from various designers, I emailed the stitchingshop.com store and she shipped all the designs to me plus suggested several more.