Yenter BoM Sunshine Garden quilt

12-month Block of the Month program from MSQC that contained directions and fabrics from the Sunshine collection by Jason Yenter for In the Beginning Fabrics. With a single width border that comes with this kit the finished size: 68 1/2″ x 84 1/2″

Skill level: Intermediate due to the 12-blocks of applique.

Yenter Prism - Border Stripe Teal Digitally
I replaced the Yenter border that came with the kit and use Yenter Prism – Border Stripe Teal Digitally
On the width (the sides of this quilt) I used a double length (on each side) of the Yenter Prism Border. This gave a finished quilt size of 80-inches by 84-inches.

Yenter Sunshine Garden BoM
Yenter Sunshine Garden BoM
Yenter BOM quilt front
Yenter BOM quilt front
Yenter BOM quilt back
Yenter BOM quilt back
Chandelier quilt pattern
Quilt sent to MSQC for quilting and binding. Quilting pattern used is Christmas Paisley.
Yenter BOM quilt back up close
Yenter BOM quilt back up close