Starburst Rhodes Stitch Style Needlework

Starburst is a counted Rhodes stitch style needlework embroidery presented within a 40-plus page booklet.

For those embroiderers who have not worked in Rhodes Stitch before, each individual stitch is a slanted straight stitch that is normally layered on top of a previous stitch. It is the changes of angle and layering within a Rhodes Stitch element that enhance the viewing of the overall design.

Rhodes Stitch style embroidery is one of my favorite, but I have often found the patterns for them to be overly complex and frustrating. My booklets are divided into sections that discuss the main pattern parts of each of the three elements, present photos and graphed charts in color and close-up so you can see the details. Within the e-book format you can expand the charts and photos throughout the booklet to view details down to individual stitches.

The Starburst design count is 239 by 155. Worked on 18 count the finished size is approximately 13.5 by 8.75 inches. I worked this on 18 by 12-inch piece of 18 count and finished as a pillow.


Starburst, 40-plus pages in length, is offered in e-booklet format and printed as an 8 by 10-inch full color paper bound booklet.

Click the below photo for ordering or to view the first pages of the design booklet.