Mason Jar Covers, ME

Designs purchased on from Embroider (mason jar covers), Hot Peppers from Windmill.

Cherry cover. Fabric: 25 count Lugana Moss Green

Cherry cover. Fabric: 25 count Lugana Moss Green

Blueberry cover. Fabric: 25 count, Wedgewood Lugana. Blueberry NFF.

Blueberry cover. Fabric: 25 count, Wedgewood Lugana. Blueberry NFF.

Hot peppers. Fabric: 22 count, Fine Ariosa White. Hot peppers by Windmill designs.

Hot peppers. Fabric: 22 count, Fine Ariosa White. Hot peppers by Windmill designs.

Raspberry. Fabric: 22 count, Fine Ariosa White.

Raspberry. Fabric: 22 count, Fine Ariosa White.

Raspberry, Blueberry and Hot Pepper trio

Raspberry, Blueberry and Hot Pepper trio

Raspberries, Strawberries and Blueberries

Raspberries, Strawberries and Blueberries

Candied Citrus Slices

Candied Citrus Slices



All of the mason jar covers.

All of the mason jar covers and a fake muffin that I purchased on Amazon.


Cotton twine for wrapping twine length around top of jar, ending in a bow. Used 8oz mason jars and 10oz fruit jars from the grocery store. Faked fruit put inside the jars to add overall color.

Raspberries, Strawberries and Blueberries

Raspberries, Strawberries and Blueberries