Late Autumn, Hardanger

Late Autumn catches the changing colors as chilly mornings and frost tint the leaves and mums of summer.

An Intermediate level counted Hardanger needlework embroidery, Late Autumn is presented within a 25-plus page booklet. The design incorporates openwork areas worked in Hardanger weaved bars with Greek cross, picot loops and dove eye filling stitches.

Mat size, the Late Autumn design count is 269 by 317.  Work area is approximately 11.25 by  13.25 inches on 24 count fabric and approximately 12.25 by 14.5 inches on 22 count fabric.


Late Autumn, Hardanger Design from Noelle Frances Designs
Late Autumn, Hardanger Design from Noelle Frances Designs


Late Autumn, close-up of chart and worked design. Click image to enlarge.
Pages 9 and 10 from my booklet for Late Autumn. Click image to enlarge.


As shown in the sample to the left, my booklet presents discussion of the design along with detailed photos and charts.

Within the e-book format you can expand the charts and photos throughout the booklet to view details down to individual stitches.

For discussion of basic Hardanger methods view the Useful Info and Hardanger sections of this blog.

Click the below photo for ordering or to view the first pages of the design booklet.