Bulbs Fall 2021

Bulbs 2021:
Lily of the Valley:

Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley.  Zone 7 to 9.

Transplanted left side, 09/29/2021.Lily of the valley produces pretty red berries, all parts of this plant are poisonous.

Transplant the lily of the valley sprigs immediately. Keep roots and rhizomes moist.

Mulch the transplanted sprigs with about 1/2 inch of organic compost to conserve moisture and discourage weeds. Water the lilies of the valley thoroughly to evenly moisten the soil but not enough to make it soggy or wet. Keep the bed moist until the transplants are well established, and then reduce watering as needed to avoid soggy soil.

Water the lilies of the valley thoroughly when growth resumes in the spring. Keep them evenly moist throughout the growing season.  As they grow taller, mulch the bed with leaf mold to keep their roots cool during the summer months. Gradually add 1/2 inch of material every week or two until it’s about 2 to 4 inches deep.


Tricolor Specie Crocus
Tricolor Specie Crocus. Zone 3 to 8. Plant 2-3 inches deep. Sun. 3-6 inches tall. Bloom Early Spring. 25 bulbs.
Mixed Botanical Crocus
Mixed Botanical Crocus. Zone 3 to 8. Plant 2-3 inches deep. Sun. 3-6 inches tall. Bloom Early Spring. 100 bulbs.
Crocus Giant Mix
Crocus Giant Mix. 12 bulbs.

Add fertilizer, such as bonemeal, when you prepare the soil. Be sure to mix the fertilizer into the soil so it does not come into direct contact with the bulbs.

Plant (pointed side up) all bulbs of a kind, when grouped together, at the same depth so they will bloom at the same time and attain the same height.

After planting water thoroughly to settle the soil and to encourage the start of root growth. Sufficient moisture is vital to the health of your bulbs; lacking ample rain, it may be necessary to water new plantings once a week in fall. The roots will continue to grow in fall until the soil freezes.
Add 1-3 inches of mulch for winter protection after the ground freezes.

Edens Perfume Peony
Edens Perfume Peony. Zone 4 to 8. Plant 1-2 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 24-30 inches tall. Bloom early summer. 2 roots, each 3/5 eye.
Pinnacle Oriental Poppy
Pinnacle Oriental Poppy. Zone 3 to 5. Plant 1-2 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 24-36 inches tall. Bloom late Spring. 2 roots.
Metallic Dutch Iris Mix
Metallic Dutch Iris Mix. Zone 4 to 8. Plant 2-3 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 6-10 inches tall. Bloom late Spring to early Summer. 25 bulbs.

Grecian Windflower or Mixed Anemone
Grecian Windflower or Mixed Anemone. Zone 5 to 8. Plant 2-3 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 6-12 inches tall. Bloom late Spring. 10 bulbs.
Wood Hyacinths Mix (Spanish Bells)
Wood Hyacinths Mix (Spanish Bells). Zone 3 to 9. Plant 2-3 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 6-10 inches tall. Bloom late Spring. 25 bulbs.
Galanthus nivalis Snowdrop
Galanthus nivalis Snowdrop. Zone 3 to 7. Plant 2-3 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 6-8 inches tall. Bloom February. 25 bulbs planted together in full sun that is partial in summer. Foilage will disappear by late spring. Moist, loamy soil.
Siberian Squill or Scilla
Siberian Squill or Scilla. Zone 3 to 9. Plant 2-3 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 4-8 inches tall. Bloom early Spring. 25 bulbs.

Camassia or Wild Hyacinth bulbs
Camassia or Wild Hyacinth bulbs. Zone 3 to 8. Plant 3-4 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 16-22 inches tall. Bloom late Spring.  25 bulbs.
Glory Of The Snow or Chionodoxa
Glory Of The Snow or Chionodoxa. Zone 3 to 10. Plant 3-4 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 6-8 inches tall. Bloom early summer. 25 bulbs.

Gladiolus byzantinus
Gladiolus byzantinus. Zone 6 to 9. Plant 6-8 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 2-3 feet tall. Bloom late Spring to early Summer. Needs well drained.  20 bulbs.

Candy Stripe Tulip Duo
Candy Stripe Tulip Duo. Zone 3 to 9. Plant 6-8 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 10-22 inches tall. Bloom mid Spring. 30 bulbs.
Crystal Beauty Fringed Double Late Tulip
Crystal Beauty Fringed Double Late Tulip. Zone 3 to 8. Plant 6-8 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 16-20 inches tall. Bloom late Spring. 10 bulbs.
Pastel Mix Triumph Tulip
Pastel Mix Triumph Tulip. Zone 3 to 8. Plant 6-8 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 14-20 inches tall. Bloom mid Spring. 50 bulbs.

Plant about three times the height of the bulb.  Place balanced plant food in the holes before closing them back up.  Set the bulb in the hole with the pointy end up.Water bulbs right after planting. Don’t water the bulbs again unless it’s extremely dry outside. Although they can’t bear wet feet, bulbs need water to trigger growth.

The bulbs should be planted when the soil is still at least 60 °F (16 °C).[1]

Planting Daffodils:

Fortune Daffodil
Fortune Daffodil. Zone 3 to 8. Plant 6-8 inches deep. Sun/Partial. 12-18 inches tall. Bloom mid Spring. 25 bulbs.

Scatter a small handful of bulb fertilizer in each hole or trench.  If your bulbs are not performing well in spring, give them a low-nitrogen, high-potash fertilizer.  Avoid cutting too many flowers.

Plant 3 to 6 inches apart.  Only plant one type of daffodil per hole or trench. Bulbs should be planted three or four times their depth. Plant pointed end facing up.  If you can’t tell which end is “up,” plant the bulb on its side.

Cover the bulbs and water them immediately after planting. Keep the area moist during the duration of the growth, until about three weeks after blooming time. Stop watering once the flowers have been in bloom for three weeks.

If you see pests or bulbs feel soft to the touch, place the bulbs in nearly boiling water for up to three hours (called a hot water treatment).  Yellow spots on the stems or leaves may indicate Stem Nematodes. Destroy all the infected plants.