Tulips and Pomegranates Bargello

The Tulips and Pomegranates design is a counted, Bargello needlework embroidery presented within a full color 40-plus page booklet.  My booklets are divided into sections that discuss the main pattern parts of each design, present photos and graphed charts in full color close-ups so you can see the details.  Within the e-book format you can expand the charts and photos throughout the booklet to view details down to individual stitches.


This design utilizes the traditional Bargello method of needlework straight stitches worked in geometric patterns to create the design.

I have finished this design matted for framing and as the 15-inch pillows shown below.

Tulips and Pomegranate Bargello finished as pillows
Tulips and Pomegranate Bargello design finished as pillows.



Tulips and Pomegranate design count is 153w by 163h. Work area is approximately 8.5 inches by 9 inches on 18-count fabric.

Click the below photo for ordering or to view the first pages of the design booklet.